
Objectif du Sommet 2023 du GFRID

Le Sommet 2023 du GFRID vise à permettre de comprendre clairement les contributions des migrants et des diasporas au développement, leurs ramifications en termes de politiques nationales et mondiales, ainsi qu’à illustrer les opportunités de marché pour les prestataires de services dans les écosystèmes d’envois de fonds et d’investissement. Dans ce cadre, le Sommet se concentrera sur les mécanismes, les modèles et les partenariats pratiques qui permettent de stimuler la réalisation des objectifs de développement durable (ODD), ainsi que la mise en œuvre entre autres du Pacte mondial sur les migrations (objectifs 19 et 20) et du Plan d’Action Conjoint de La Valette.
Le Sommet offrira une tribune interactive au cours de laquelle la réalité du marché africain des envois de fonds et le paysage des investissements des diasporas seront abordés, en particulier au profit des zones rurales, où ces fonds comptent le plus. En réunissant des experts mondiaux clés des secteurs public et privé, ainsi que de la société civile, ce Sommet de trois jours permettra d’examiner l’ensemble des défis et des opportunités auxquels les gouvernements, les entreprises et des millions de familles sont confrontés aujourd’hui en Afrique et dans le monde.

Making remittances count more

Remittances and diaspora investments: key socio-economic forces in Africa

The summit will focus on the current reality faced by one billion people sending or receiving remittances around the world and investing back home. It will highlight the socio-economic contributions of African migrant workers and diaspora members to their countries of origin through an overview of the building blocks of the remittance market at national, local and household levels.

In line with the summit’s active engagement in the global migration and development agenda, the sessions will touch upon the digital revolution, as well as its opportunities and challenges for both the remittance and the diaspora investment ecosystems.

In conjunction with the International Day of Family Remittances (IDFR) on 16 June 2023, the last day of the summit will host the ninth IDFR observance, in recognition of the crucial contribution and the current reality of one billion people, sending or receiving remittances.

This year’s observance theme will focus on the benefits that digital and financial inclusion bring when linked to remittances in helping remittance families achieve their own SDGs. 

The African remittance marketplace

Market strategies, technologies and innovative business models

The remittance markets in Africa are considered the cradle of some of the most innovative business solutions addressing person-to-person payments. While market intelligence remains weak, there is enough evidence to indicate that a large portion of informal remittances could be absorbed through the uptake of mobile money. 

In the post-COVID-19 world, digitalization has marked a permanent shift in the market paradigm that will continue to grow in the years to come, as it increasingly integrates the distribution of adjacent financial services along the digital remittance transfer value chain. The summit will deep dive into current and future disruptive technologies and related business models, as well as analyze their revolutionary potential and ways they can be mainstreamed further into remittance business operations. 

In parallel to market trends review, interactive panels will focus on the regulatory framework associated with current and new business models, and the need to maintain a sustained dialogue with accountable regulatory bodies. 

Discussions will be structured around a customer-centric approach towards identifying trends, capacity needs and opportunities that can benefit both remittance senders and recipients. 

Focus areas and topics

Diaspora impact investment

Unleashing opportunities to invest back home

The summit will present a range of state-of-the-art investment vehicles and programmes set forth to allow diasporas to invest their resources back home. Diaspora capabilities and preferences to invest in their countries of origin are segmented according to their wealth, migration patterns and range. 

Banks currently provide the main conduit for migrants sending money home. However, African governments, along with impact investing funds and crowdfunding platforms, are recognizing the importance of diaspora resources by proposing financial products ranging from donations/philanthropy to financial engagement. 

The diaspora impact investment sessions will review existing and emerging government and private sector-led investment vehicles and discuss the challenges to reach out and cater to diverse diaspora profiles. This includes diaspora investment priorities such as agriculture and climate adaptation. Discussions will also focus on donor-led endeavours to blend diaspora resources with public or private ones, in order to scale up impact towards the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

Focus areas and topics

Enabling environment

  • Level playing field
  • Identification
  • Compliance
  • Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT)
  • De-risking trends
  • Interoperability
  • Taxation

Business models and technologies

  • Informality
  • Identification
  • Mobile money
  • Financial technology
  • Blockchain solutions
  • Transitioning from cash to digital
  • Remittance-linked financial services
  • Demand-side surveys

Customer centricity

  • Demand-driven products
  • Financial and digital literacy
  • Data demand and usage
  • Socio-economic considerations
  • Transparency, privacy and consumer protection


  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Financing gap
  • Rural development
  • Infrastructure
  • Agriculture


  • Bonds
  • Crowdfunding
  • Blended finance
  • Hybrid transnational investment models
  • Savings

Enabling factors

  • Financial capability
  • Marketing and outreach
  • Regulation
  • Partnerships
  • Financial sector stability